New Der Zyklus 12"

Their SoundCloud has been updated to inform us that the track is called 'Von Neumann Replicator'. It also has the following text: John von Neumann's Universal Constructor is a self-replicating machine in a cellular automata (CA) environment. It was designed in the 1940s, without the use of a computer. The fundamental details of the machine were published in von Neumann's book Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata, completed in 1966 by Arthur W. Burks after von Neumann's death.
Dopplereffekt are also now playing live at The Glue Factory in Glasgow, Scotland on 17th Feb 2012. Great flyer below. They are then playing the next week on 23rd Feb with old friend The Hacker in France. More details below.
This translation of the French text for the event with The Hacker was done by one of my readers, Yogan.
Dopplereffekt, an historically major figure on the techno scene will be performing live at Club Transbo this thursday february the 23rd. The American producer, originally from Detroit but currently living in Germany for the past 10 years or so, is expected to shed light on the mystique surrounding his identity as well as introducing his vision of an ideal society with a rather dark electronic music, heavy atmospheres and definitive claims.
This duo show may well be appealing for those who developed a true sense of electronic music though the curious party-goer won't be disappointed. This highly anticipated show is to be on the top of the MUST list at our Club. The Hacker, living just miles away in Grenoble will supervise the evening as a storyteller. He will remind us that there's a form of electronic music, a no bullshit and desperate hedonism kind of form.

Great to see that they started releasing material from their live appearances !
just posted this experiment
i did about Der Zyklus'Biometry
some time ago
it may interest you ?
-i would be happy to know
what you feel about it
the occasion to tell you that
i really appreciate what
you do around drexciya
here and thank you very much
for all that,
here is the link:
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