Zwischenwelt/Black Replica

1: Zero physical reality flux[] information state: stability enabled.
2: Discrete flux of physical reality[]Time interval = seconds.
3: Isotropic flux of physical reality[]Time interval = microseconds.
Sensory perception flux: human awareness expands and collapses.
2: Discrete flux of physical reality[]Time interval = seconds.
3: Isotropic flux of physical reality[]Time interval = microseconds.
Sensory perception flux: human awareness expands and collapses.

The music is quite good, suitably spooky given the subject matter, the previous two tracks really grew on me and of the new ones I could see the same thing happening. ‘Materialisation’ is a Beta Evers track that is quite short and atmospheric and very tastefully done. ‘Nina Kulagina’ itself is more of a group effort with two different female vocalists. It has a very slow tempo and lyrics which are all about Nina, stuff like, “She makes hearts stop beating.”, which will make sense if you do your research.
Hard to tell if this move into the paranormal is totally out of the left field for the other participants but as far as Mueller himself goes I’ve mentioned before that very quickly in the so-called 'new physics' you come to an unexplainable point where the paranormal might, and I say might, start making sense or begin to fit in. On the 2005 Arpanet album 'Quantum Transposition' there is a track called 'EPR Effect' aka 'The Pandora's Box of Modern Physics' which is just such a perplexing occurrence which would make me wonder if Mueller has himself reached this point and is now looking into the paranormal for a way through. His other MySpace involved project, Black Replica, also appears to concern itself with another reality. One of my readers has pointed out that the symbol they use means psychic/soul. Ψ = PSI which starts all the Greek words that describe soul and psychological situations. Like psihi ΨΥΧΗ = soul. Black Replica might be harder to figure out but the vibe they give off is certainly spiritual, while right now Zwischenwelt seem to be going down a paranormal, specifically psychokinesis themed route. But these two subjects are closely related and as I said they can even be tied into the frontiers of physics. But of course it's all about the music and as said before it's hard to know if a 'proper' release is something that either of them are interested in but if they are I'm sure it will happen.

That's exactly how I think about them. Good entry. I really love the two new songs of Zwischenwelt. And yes, that's the in-between world (paranormal etc) in German.
sounds more sophisticated!!
than black replica!
Hey, I don't know if you're gonna read this but I've ripped these songs using audacity and if you want them I can get them. I'm also ripping zwischenwelt.
I guess if you do want them email me at
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