Drexciyan Flood

The above quote was sparked by a question by Derek Beere in 2002 regarding whether James Stinson thought we could ever replicate the underwater world of Drexciya in today's society. Its since struck me that his reference to Noah's Ark matches up very much with the imagery of the opening storm of the series, 'Harnessed The Storm'. Linking up with that albums darkly foreboding opener ‘Under Sea Disturbances’ (you can of course listen to the storm literally blowing at the start of this track), to the unequivocal in meaning ‘Aquatic Cataclysm’ and ‘Digital Tsunami’, even the closer ‘Birth of New Life’ could stand as the hope of a new beginning as the saved inhabitants of the ark emerge. Read on and you'll see I even managed to find a place for ‘Dr. Blowfins Black Stabilizing Spheres’ in this scenario! I was just going to write this connection up as a paragraph to be added to the original article on 'Harnessed' but as I did my research I saw there is more to this link in its own right.
To re-cap, the opening storm in the series is in my opinion the scene setter, where Drexciya get kicked out of paradise for taking life for granted and forgetting the meaning of life, which to some point is very much in keeping with the sentiments of the biblical flood story. However if they had used the Garden of Eden tale I will admit that it would tie in better to my view but the flood works as well. I'll also admit that how a flood could really affect an underwater society is questionable, although undersea disturbances and the enormous movement of a tsunami could, but the point is moot as we are of course dealing with flood as metaphor. I’m just saying they may have taken some inspiration from it as a mechanism to set up the background to the proceeding transformational and evolutionary steps of storms #2 - #6 which if followed allow us not only re-entry to paradise but further access towards regions we have heretofore never been. This being the Drexciya Home Universe and the infinities which it potentially contains. Storm #7 is of course another bookend to the story, it being a physical journey through space which on closer inspection might even turn out to contain references to another account of an historic journey, in fact try it yourself, Homer’s Odyssey or The Golden Fleece story most naturally spring to my mind to be worthy of investigation, although judging by it’s title I would expect it to be from the perspective of someone’s memoirs, but this is an article for another day. Back tracking to the potential infinities of the Drexciya Home Universe I mentioned, I continue to wonder if Gerald Donald understands this and is even part way there himself? Ever the scientist, it could be argued that with some of his releases since Drexciya he is endeavouring to guide our understanding through the universal language of mathematics towards this same metaphoric location. A location which he had previously with James Stinson brought us but via a more inward and spiritual route.

The first striking thing about this account which would appeal to anyone with an aquatic interest is the benevolent actions towards mankind of Ea the water God. By the way, they surely wouldn’t have called an album ‘Neptune’s Lair’ without knowing something of the history of ancient Gods!
I would advise you to read the following quote closely if your confused as to why exactly people might upset the Gods and get kicked out of paradise, assuming this ever happened of course! Also from our perspective take note of its mention of ‘life’.
Utnapishman speaking, ‘In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied, the world bellowed like a wild bull, and the great god was aroused by the clamour. Enlil heard the clamour and he said to the gods in council, “The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel”. So the gods agreed to exterminate mankind.’
Ea takes pity on the man Utnapishtim and says to him,
“Tear down your house and build a boat, abandon your possessions and look for life, despise worldly goods and save your soul...Tear down your house I say and build a boat with her dimensions in proportion - her width and length in harmony. Put aboard the seed of all living things into the boat.
Utnapishtim speaking, “I put on board all my kith and kin, put on cattle, wild beasts from open country, all kinds of craftsmen...The time was fulfilled. When the first light of dawn approached a black cloud came up from the base of the sky; (‘Dr. Blowfins Black Stabilizing Spheres’) it thundered within where Adad, lord of the storm, was riding...A stupor of despair went up to heaven when the god of the storm turned daylight to darkness, when he smashed the land like a cup...On the first day the tempest blew swiftly and brought flood...No man could see his fellow. Nor could then people be distinguished from the sky. Even the gods were afraid of the flood. They withdrew; they went up to the heaven of Anu and crouched in the outskirts. The gods cowered like curs while Ishtar (goddess of war and sexual love) cried, shrieking aloud, ‘Have I given birth unto these mine own people only to glut with their bodies the sea as though they were fish?’ For six days and nights the wind blew, torrent and tempest and flood overwhelmed the world, tempest and flood raged together like warring hosts. When the seventh day dawned the storm from the south subsided, the sea grew calm, the flood was stilled. I looked at the face of the world and there was silence. The surface of the sea stretched as flat as a rooftop. All mankind had returned to clay.”
The boat ends up grounded on a mountain top and from that point begins life's second chance.
But don’t forget, every great story, in fact, every story, is essentially about moving from the darkness into the light. Perhaps all this is just happening on a subconscious level for them, eg. by the time Stinson spoke of it he could then see the connection with the flood story and so mentioned it. If you want to go along with all this the Storm Series could now be seen as a conceptual ark which can be boarded whenever discovered by the individual and if understood fully could be their saviour and provide passage to a new way of life. I shouldn't need to say it at this stage, we know how deep this goes, but respect is eternally due. Long live Drexciya.
‘...abandon your possessions and look for life, despise worldly goods and save your soul...’
‘Somebody’s opened up Pandora’s Box and all hell is breaking loose...I’m loading up the Drexciyan-Ark and taking your mind on a trip away from here for a little while.”
When Zeus decided to destroy the world with flood, Prometheus advised Defkalionas- son of Prometheus, husband of Pyrra and father of Amfiktyonas, the Greek and Protogeneias to ship a boat and close himself in there with Pyrra. For nine days they were floating in the wild sea, and when the sea got calm, they stopped on a mountainside. There they offered sacrifices to Zeus and begged him to create again the human kind. Zeus accepted the sacrifices and advised them, to throw stones behind their back. Each stone that they threw became a new person. All the people that were created by them made Defkalionas a king. Defkalionas and Pyrra lived in Parnassos. After Defkalionas died, Greek became the king. He was the husband of Orsiidas and they had 3 children: Aiolos, Xonthos and Dwvos to which he gave the greek land and named it's people "Greeks".
It dates back more then 5000 years!
Frederik Clay in his research "About the Cataclysm" in 1842 agrees with all the ancient Greek mythologists, poets and historians that there were 3 cataclysms in this Earth. The Cataclysm of Dardanos, The Cataclysm of Ogigou and lastly, The Catalysm of Defkalion.
It makes me very happy that people are doing their own research into this stuff. Thanks for additional info.
When Orleans flooded an ITN (UK) news crew was sailing around on a motor boat through the rivers/streets.
The reporter was using phrases like 'staring into the abyss' and 'living on the edge'.
Was half expecting Mutant Gilmen to start attaking them!
Your blog is excellent and very inspirational.
An English Aquanaut
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