Arpanet - Inertial Frame

There is no credit or photographs of personnel on the album or 12" as to who is responsible but by now people would be aware. I guess after three albums even one of Mueller's projects becomes its own thing and stating or presenting who's involved isn't strictly speaking necessary, it just becomes Arpanet. Nevertheless in very small print an email address for dataphysics at is given for those in the know. Obviously by returning to Record Makers for another release as Arpanet shows that the label were happy to again do business with Mr. Mueller. They also took this as an opportunity to reissue 'Wireless Internet' on LP which for any label to do in this day and age is a major vote of confidence in an artist. On the surface the subjects here are most definitely that of black holes and time-travel, the former and to an extent the latter have been consistently lurking in the background of both Drexciya and Heinrich Mueller projects up to

In addition to online sources I will be using the book, 'A Brief History of Time (From the Big Bang to Black Holes)' by Stephen Hawking to help with all track title meanings etc. This is because I
The most obvious difference on this album to his music since 2003 is that it is very accessible. Before this I felt he was trying to get us to listen to music objectively and question everything we had previously thought about it while also introducing us to equally new and challenging subjects such as high energy physics and quantum mechanics. On this album he really has lightened up on the experimentation for some reason, maybe he doesn't want us to have any expectations of what to expect from him or he just wanted to flex his muscles in the old way to teach the other producers who's still the boss! Whatever reason he had for it I'm grateful, it wouldn't last beyond this album anyway, not that that matters but 'Inertial Frame' is a slight return.
‘Universe Oscillation’ is a very accessible and slight (in a good way) opener. It has a disembodied voice type sample which gives it a gothic feel, it would not be out of place as a Black Replica track. The tempo is slow and meditative but still richly textured and engaging. As I was saying, the synergy between subject matter and music which I have been examining in his music since ‘Linear Accelerator’ evolves on this album or is simply not present depending on how you look at it. He will certainly be returning to this experimental template a year later with ‘Calabi Yau Spaces’, so he has some parallel thinking going on but on this album the music is pretty much accessible throughout. Is this a return to ‘94-‘97 era Dopplereffekt, no, not to that extent, but a step on from it maybe, a middle ground between his old and new approaches.
'Großvater Paradoxon' is so lush, Its beautifully drawn out slow melody is soon joined by the most alien sounding male vocodered voice speaking the title of the track, which is German. This is just gorgeous, totally mysterious, and definitely that word again, alien. It just floats along, with the voice slowing down to almost comic speed, it could play forever in this way, timeless. After such an incredible run do far, Mueller surprisingly, in my opinion, drops the ball on the next one, ‘Axis of Rotation’. It just kind of begins out of step with what has gone previous, it’s a choppy track anyway, the drums are kind of clumsy but I guess that is what he wanted. I guess if you listen to it in isolation from the album it is perfectly fine but in this sequence it kind of doesn’t work well. It has some nice touches at the middle point and towards the end though where the beats drop out and some nice atmospherics appear.
Talking about sequencing, if he had had the next track, ’Infinite Density’, third then I would be telling you about the three near perfect tracks which open this album. This is outstanding, another timeless piece of music for the ages from Mueller. It’s no wonder it was picked to be on the 12” to promote the album. It’s really something and probably quite simple in construction but impossible to replicate by anyone else. The synth lines are of the ether, the bass line a never ending puzzle, the beat is solid and manages to ground the whole thing into cohesion. But as I said, try to replicate it and see how far you get. ’Zero

In the same way that ‘Axis of Rotation’ kind of bumps you out of the flow, after the dreamy ‘Twin Paradox’, so does ’No Boundry Condition‘. It is hard to sequence this stuff when an album is pulling in two so distinct musical directions but this is not necessarily a mistake. It’s obviously how he wanted it to be, if it jars us then that is what it might be meant to do. I remember Radiohead talking about how hard it was for them to sequence the famously experimental and varied tracks on ‘Kid A‘. The track itself literally gallops along, totally unlike any tempo we’ve heard so far. Hard to imagine people dancing to this one but it is featured on the 12”, it definitely does have an accessible appeal and showcases the

So what is it all about? Well, before I go into my own version of what it means, Mueller himself went out of his way to go deeper for our sakes when not long after the release of the album he produced two radio style programmes for the internet based Cybernetic Broadcasting System. There were two of them, entitled 'Time-Shifting' and 'Relativity'. They took the form of a series of questions and answers plus snippets of unreleased music in-between. I won't transcribe the entire text for you, they can still be listened to anyway, links at base of article, but I will list the questions for you in the hope you will be intrigued enough to listen to the answers for yourselves. A digitally treated female voice asks the questions and a male, not Mueller, answers. There were also German and French versions made, I heard the German and it is the same people/voices speaking. In the ‘Time Shifting’ programme the questions are as follows, "What are characteristics of time in a rapidly moving system? In a gravitational field does time move more slowly? Could you explain time travel? Explain the Grandfather and Twins Paradox? Do wormholes actually exist? Can time travel be realised based on current knowledge of technology? If we were able to move from the past to the future, what consequences would there be for mankind?”
The questions for the programme entitled ‘Relativity’ are, “There are three dimensions for objects in physical space and one dimension composed of time, how does the time dimension effect the other three spatial dimensions? Why do we say time is running but never space is running? What are the basic concepts of the general and special theory of relativity? According to the big bang theory, the cosmos originated as a singularity and has continuously expanded. Will the cosmos continue to expand or will the universe eventually collapse due to gravitational forces? When life terminates for a star, it collapses inward and forms a black hole. Is the
Best to start with the meaning of the album and 12” titles. The word inertial comes from inert, which means passive, not moving, I hope this still makes sense to you when joined with frame. The two titles of the 12” and album can actually be run together as well. In physics, an ‘inertial frame of reference’ is a frame of reference in which physical laws hold in their simplest form. For

The first track, ‘Universe Oscillation’, as you can guess does not have a specific scientific meaning, it‘s like saying radiant sunshine or something. But it could also be written as vibration of the universe which gives it a much more human or life/nature ring. In this context I suppose it’s some sort of acknowledgement of the enormity of the spectacle of the workings of the universe and its inherent natural mystery. A kind of glance at the problem before going into some of the detail. I’m not going to go into each title in order as I think they are better understood if broken into the two main subjects.
That first and most obvious subject is that of black holes, although Mueller may see it as being the wider subject of relativity. In space, any object smaller than its ‘Schwarzschild Radius’ is called a black hole. Schwarzschild himself is pictured. The surface at the Schwarzschild radius acts as an ‘Event Horizon’ in a non-rotating body. An event horizon is a boundary in space-time, an area surrounding a black hole or in fact a wormhole, more on this later, inside which events cannot affect an outside observer.

In my opinion, ‘Gravitational Lense’ is the title which links this subject most obviously with the theme of time-travel or ‘Time-Shifting’ as Mueller may prefer to call it. A Gravitational Lens is formed when the light from a very distant, bright source (such as a quasar) is "bent" around a massive object (such as a black hole) between the source object and the observer. The process is known as gravitational lensing. It was discovered by Orest Chwolson in 1924. He speculated that the gravity from a massive object such as a black hole can warp space-time, bending everything in it - including the paths followed by light rays from a bright background source. This subject of time-travel continues in the remainder of the titles. There is an amazing remix of Gravitational Lense' entitled 'Chwolson Xallarap Remix' supposedly by Arpanet. It just appeared online mysteriously but something tells me it is legit, or else whoever did it really knows their stuff as the title refers to the already mentioned Orest Danilovich Chwolson (1852-1934), the Russian physicist who is most noted for being one of the first people to study the gravitational lens effect and the fact that the Xallarap effect (an analogy of parallax) is a variation in a gravitational

In physics, the ‘Twin Paradox’ is a thought experiment of Einstein’s special theory of relativity, in which a person who makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket will return home to find he or she has aged less than an identical twin who stayed on Earth. This result appears puzzling, since the situation seems symmetrical, as the latter twin can be considered to have done the travelling with respect to the former. On the other hand, ‘Großvater Paradoxon’ is German for Grandfather Paradox which is this: suppose a man travelled back in time and killed his biological grandfather before the latter met the traveller's grandmother. As a result, one of the traveller's parents (and by extension, the traveller himself) would never have been conceived. This would imply that he could not have travelled back in time after all, which in turn implies the grandfather would still be alive, and the traveller would have been conceived, allowing him to travel back in time and kill his grandfather. Thus each possibility seems to imply its own negation, a type of logical paradox. The grandfather paradox has been used to argue that backwards time travel must be impossible. However, a number of possible ways of avoiding the paradox have been proposed, such as the idea that the timeline is fixed and unchangeable, or the idea that the time traveller will end up in a parallel timeline, while the timeline in which the traveller was born remains independent. As mentioned, these two paradoxes are explained in the radio show.
Some evidence of this line of thought emerging can be detected in the titling of his remixes as Heinrich Mueller for Duplex in 2005 as ‘Time Dilation 1 & 2‘. Time dilation is the phenomenon whereby an observer finds that another's clock, which is physically identical to their own, is

‘Lorentz Contraction’, according to Hendrik Lorenz, is in physics, contraction or foreshortening of a moving body in the direction of its motion. This contraction only becomes noticeable, however, at a substantial fraction of the speed of light and the contraction is only in the direction parallel to the direction in which the observed body is travelling. It also more importantly served as the basis for the mathematics of Einstein's theory of relativity.
‘No Boundry Condition’, which is also spelt wrong by the way, is the theory that the universe is finite but has no boundary in imaginary time. Which sounds like a paradox but it's an idea that comes from the quantum theory of gravity, which as we learned when examining 'Quantum Transposition', is not a field which behaves as we would normally expect it to. This is one of Stephen Hawking’s theories and he says this about it if it is so, "There would be no singularity at which the laws of science broke down and no edge of space time at which one would have to

The covers of both the 12" and album are light cones. Which are said to be a surface in space-time that marks out the possible directions for light rays passing through a given event. I first

But how to sum all this up? Well if we simply go back to what Mueller himself said about the album being “an ode about science, a celebration of its own power,” and then look at the fact that he has posed and gone to the trouble of answering certain questions on this subject. I suppose the most obvious thing on one level is that he is trying to give us a taste and encourage us to experience the power of science which he feels. He is trying to coax us along and I'm sure there are people, like myself, who are yielding to this call and learning new things, seeing things differently and ultimately mentally evolving. With Drexciya and his own projects there was always a mysterious and intriguing aspect built in anyway, but this time he is using that factor plus the subject matter to pull us in a very specific direction. If Muller was a visual artist I would ask the question is he was an object or process based artist. In Mueller's case I would say he is an object artist, meaning he works on the process privately then presents the finished product. An artist who puts an emphasis on process usually works in collaboration or with a community group for example and the nature of their finished product could never have been arrived at by the artist alone. The process is equally important, if not more so, than to the finished object. The object artists work is usually internal, private, even secret. This does suit Mueller, the twist with him though is, since at least 2003, he has been inviting us in to view the process. He is not inviting us to help him in the classic workshop scenario but on the most basic level I believe he is at least trying to inspire in us a measure of the power of science of which he himself feels. Mind you, one of the reasons he has given us his email address in the artwork may not be simply for live promoters to get in touch, not long after this album he began appearing live, but he might be hoping to make connections with people with similar interests to discuss the subject. He is giving us an insight into his thought process anyway if not his working method. He might not realise he is doing this. Not every artist does this, many prefer to keep it secret, to increase the mystery or illusion of mystery. I know this is the exact opposite of what most people associate Drexciya and Mueller with, you would be surprised how much is actually on display if you look a little deeper. It is only the obvious surface level stuff they keep from us and sadly that surface stuff is what most musical artists give us, which is what we have come now to expect so when it is not there we label them as mysterious and secretive. Maybe I am reading too much into all of this but this time around there is plenty of evidence to suggest that this is what he is trying to do. Of course if you can extrapolate out huge amounts of data from the smallest scrap of printed paper (paper making, chemistry of inks, history of printing, concept of writing etc etc) when your working from a whole album you will find things in that forever (don't worry, I will be stopping soon!) and since 2003 he's introduced his fans to high energy physics, quantum theory, relativity and coming up soon, string theory. This is a micro journey of subatomic discovery which has macro impact on a universal level. After all that it is truly as Mueller stated, “an ode about science, a celebration of its own power.” but a power we can also begin to feel, a journey of discovery we can take together.
Which makes his next move a puzzle but one I'm sure I will bring more light to when I examine Black Replica.
Full length Unreleased Arpanet Track from Radio Programme
Arpanet - Time Shifting Part 1
Arpanet - Relativity Part 1
Arpanet live at Le Geode, Paris 22nd June 2006 (Part 1)
Arpanet - Gravitational Lense (Chwolson Xallarap Remix)
Universe Oscillation
Infinite Density
Axis of Rotation (Audio)
No Boundary Condition
Useful links
Arpanet live at Le Geode, Paris 22nd June 2006 (Part 1)
I've shot this video, someone post it on youtube. This is actually the intro video of La Geode, and not Arpanet!
hey hey :
At last my day will come...
Just updated post with that info, thanks.
Will do post on that live show in Paris, 18th October, soon. looking for more info.
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